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Power Wheels parking
Parking Power Wheels Outside

Power wheels are not real cars, but that doesn't mean you should pay less attention to them. Sure, they're kids' toys, but they move and can be hazardous under different circumstances. Also, think of how much you've spent on them — or how much you'll spend fixing or replacing them if they're damaged, so with that said, is leaving it outside okay?

In terms of Power Wheels parking leaving your power wheels outside is okay. But under different circumstances, it isn’t. For any possession, especially if it’s expensive, you should always prioritize their safety. You can’t expect your kids to do that because most kids aren’t careful with their toys.

One way to care for the power wheel is by giving it a particular home, a place where it's safe from natural elements. Considering how expensive a power wheel is, outside your home or anywhere out in the open is not the best place to leave the vehicle alone. In this article, we'll explore the pros and cons of owning a power wheel, if it's okay to leave it outside, and how to care for your power wheel.

Is Leaving It Outside Okay?

Power wheels can be bulky, so you must make sure that you have a place to store them before getting them. But if you have several power wheels (for different children or from years of accumulation), you might want to keep them outside — but is that okay?

When It’s Okay to Leave It Outside

There are a few reasons why it's okay to park your power wheel outside, such as when:

  • The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. Many power wheels have features made of plastic, so leaving them out under the hot sun, for example, is going to fade the vehicle's graphics and colors.
  • It's not raining or snowing. Leaving your power wheel under the rain or snow isn't recommended as this can cause the electrical components to corrode or rust.
  • Someone is watching over it. Maybe your child is running around with their friends, hence the power wheel sitting alone in the driveway. If you or your friend is watching over the power wheel, leaving the power wheel outside should be fine.

When It’s Not Okay to Leave It Outside

Power wheels are often expensive. Therefore, you'll want to take good care of them as long as you can. Don't leave your power wheel outside when:

  • It sits alone in public. It's never a good idea to leave your power wheel in an open space because some people will try to steal it. Power wheels are so popular it wouldn't be challenging to sell them.
  • It's raining or snowing. Power wheels are kids' toys. They're not strong enough to fight the elements as grown-ups' cars can. If the battery comes into contact with rain or snow, the power wheel's compartments will get wet and eventually corrode or rust, and then stop working.

Don't know where to put your power wheels? Here's where other power wheels owners keep theirs:

  • balcony
  • garage
  • backyard
  • an empty room in the house
  • basement
  • attic
  • under the table (get creative!)

Caring for Power Wheels

Caring for your power wheels is vital for ensuring that the vehicle will serve your child for as long as it possibly can.

Cleaning Power Wheels

Now and then, you'll want to clean your child's vehicle. The power wheel will eventually get dirty — from mud, dust, contaminated water, or sticky spillage children may accidentally leave behind (because some power wheels have cup/juice holders). But how do you clean power wheels? 

Some people use running water to wash their power wheels, but that's probably not a good idea because the battery inside the vehicle will get wet. Instead of doing that, use a bucket of warm water with mild detergent and a sponge — a rag works, too.

Wipe the power wheel gently with the damp sponge or rag. After wiping every part of the power wheel that you want to clean, dip the sponge or rag into clean water and ring it well. Wipe the vehicle again.

Repeat the step, and then wipe any soap residue. You can also spray disinfectant on the power wheel and doors.

Caring for the Battery

Never let your power wheels battery get wet as this will damage it. You can remove the battery and keep it in the house, someplace safe. 

The battery can still damage even if it's not wet. If you always overcharge the battery more than you're supposed to, you also risk damaging it. 

Also, keep the battery in a storing place with the right temperature — check with your power wheel supplier on this.

If your battery gets wet, wait no longer. Quickly dry the battery along with its compartments. Then, charge the battery until full. Check your power wheel if it's working. If it doesn't, then it could mean that your battery is dead or some parts of your power wheel are damaged.

You can attempt to fix the battery or the power wheel yourself, at your own risk. But when in doubt, do take your power wheel to the service center.

Final Thoughts

Power wheels are kids' toys, but that doesn't mean they don't need proper care. Power wheels don't come cheap, so you don't want to leave them outside in the open unsupervised, under the hot sun, freezing snow, or pouring rain. By giving them a dedicated storage area and occasional cleaning, you're extending their lifespan.